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The length of Variable Sized Raincoat can be adjusted to suit different body sizes, making it a product that can be retained and re-used from childhood to adulthood.


Cheap and rarely used, raincoats are not often thought of as long-lasting products. Most raincoats are produced in just one size, regardless of the differences in size between people. This does not add to the perceived value of the raincoat – as a product to be retained and re-used.

Variable Sized Raincoat targets reduced wastage by allowing the size of the raincoat to be adjusted. Strategically placed buttons allow sleeve and body of the raincoat to be folded up to suit people of different sizes. This universal raincoat is made with durable EVA.





VARIABLE SIZED RAINCOAT (reddot award 2014)










        研究生期间,参与中车集团与西南交大合作的国家重点科研项目:可变编组动车组设计,承担其中VIP座椅设计工作。 从调研出发,通过文献搜索、观察走访、问卷调研等方式,研究了目前国内外高速列车VIP座椅的优势和不足并与民用航空座椅进行对比分析。进驻生产厂家实地了解座椅的加工制造工艺。最终从用户体验的角度得出设计方案。作品被收录进《可变编组动车组设计》(北京 : 中国铁道出版社,2015.11)一书。




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